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트위터 랭킹 말고 새로운 소식, 이벤트, 인사이트 탐색하기

Now. (@Kr_Now) / Twitter

트위터 랭킹 말고


Twitter has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with millions of active users. People use Twitter to share their thoughts, opinions, and updates on their lives. However, there is more to Twitter than just its ranking system. In this article, we will explore what Twitter is, how it works, and its impact on society.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to share short messages of up to 280 characters. These messages, also known as tweets, can include text, photos, videos, and links. Twitter also allows users to follow other accounts, create lists, and engage in conversations with other users.

How Does Twitter Work?

Twitter works by allowing users to make posts that are visible to their followers. Users can also search for other users or topics of interest and engage in conversations with other users. Twitter also uses hashtags to categorize tweets based on topic, which makes it easier for users to find information about specific subjects.

Twitter has a ranking system that determines which tweets are shown first in a user’s timeline. Tweets that receive a lot of engagement, such as retweets and likes, are more likely to appear at the top of a user’s timeline. Twitter also has a feature called Trending Topics, which shows users the most popular topics on the platform at any given time.

Impact of Twitter on Society

Twitter has had a significant impact on society since its inception in 2006. It has become a powerful tool for communication, activism, and driving social change. Twitter has played a crucial role in spreading information during major events, such as the Arab Spring and Black Lives Matter protests.

Twitter has also played a role in shaping public opinion on various issues. Politicians, celebrities, and other prominent figures use Twitter to voice their opinions on important topics, which can influence public opinion. Twitter has also been used to hold public figures accountable for their actions and statements.

However, Twitter has also been criticized for its role in spreading misinformation and fake news. Users can easily share false information on the platform, which can quickly spread to millions of people. This has led to calls for increased regulation of social media platforms like Twitter.


Q: Can I use Twitter without creating an account?
A: No, you need to create an account to use Twitter.

Q: How long can tweets be?
A: Tweets can be up to 280 characters long.

Q: Can I use Twitter to promote my business?
A: Yes, many businesses use Twitter to promote their products and services.

Q: Can I delete my tweets?
A: Yes, you can delete your tweets at any time.

Q: Can I report abusive or inappropriate tweets?
A: Yes, you can report abusive or inappropriate tweets to Twitter for review.

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